Our Story

Cadu transforms the celebration of our special moments. We show you the best gifts to buy for your loved ones, removing the frustration of traditional gift buying and giving.

Cadu was created out of the frustration of trying to find the right gift for friends and family and not knowing what to select. Time and again, special occasions such as birthdays, engagement parties and anniversaries would arise and the gift search would begin trying to decide; what they would like, what do they already have, what size or colour would they prefer, and let’s not get started on whether they're still into pilates, triathlons, or, oddly enough, oversized water cups.

Gift-giving had become a chore, a puzzle that needed solving. The stress of finding something unique and personal, of guessing sizes, colors, and interests, was draining the fun out of celebrations. We've all been there - spending hours searching, only to end up with a gift that doesn’t quite hit the mark, or worse, finding out they already have it.

Thus, the spark for Cadu was ignited! Armed with insights from thousands of fellow gift-giving adventurers, we set off on a mission. Through a whirlwind of prototyping and endless iterations, we created an app that transforms the chaos of choosing gifts into a cakewalk.

Imagine having a crystal ball that tells you exactly what your loved ones dream of, down to the colour, size, and whether it complements their current obsession with underwater basket weaving. We’ve curated an oasis of sought-after gifts, paired with a user-friendly platform that makes gift purchasing a breeze.

Say goodbye to last-minute panic buys and hello to heartwarming surprises that hit the mark, every time. Welcome to the future of gift-giving, where we make every celebration brighter with the perfect gifts.


Frequently asked questions

What is Cadu?

Cadu is an app that helps you find the perfect gift for every occasion.

It allows you to create gift lists for any event such as birthdays, christmas, anniversaries, weddings, baby showers and milestone events so you can receive the things you really want.

When your family and friends have a special occasion, you'll receive a reminder and then can easily select an item you'll be sure they'll love.

No more frustration trying to endlessly search for the right gift, with Cadu we help you find the perfect gift everytime.

Gifts solved in seconds :)

How do I create a gift list?

1. Select the 'My List' tab at the bottom of the app.
2. Select the '+' symbol to create a new list.
3. Enter the Title of your gift list, for example 'Carmen's Birthday'
4. Enter the date of the occasion.
5. Select 'Create List'

Now your gift list is created, start adding the items you'd like :)

How do I add gifts to my list?

1. Select the 'My List' tab at the bottom of the app.
2. Select the gift list you would like to add items to.
3. If you haven't created a list for the event, select the '+' symbol to create a new list.
4. To add a new item there is two options;
4a. you can select an item from a brand in the app or
4b. copy and paste the link of an item from your browser.

Option 1 - How to add a gift from a brand in the app

5a. In your gift list, scroll down to explore the brands in the app.
5b. Select the brand you would like to add a gift from.
5c. The webpage of the brand will load, find the gift you would like to add and select ' Add to List'.
5d. The app will automatically import the product information of the item you selected. If you would like to add any information that is not pre-filled such Title, Cost or Specifics such as size and colour, you can do this here.
5e. Select 'Add'.

Option 2 - How to add a gift from your web browser

6a. In your regular web browser such as Chrome or Safari, find the gift you would like to add.
6b. Copy the link of the item (see below for instructions on how to copy a link from your web browser)
6c. Open the Cadu app and select the list you would like to add the gift to.
6d. Select the '+' icon at the bottom of the screen.
6e. The link will automatically paste into the 'Add a product' field, if it has not, manually paste the link.
6f. Select 'Add.

Note - Sometimes the images of items will not display in your list and you will see a Cadu logo.

Don't worry, the item has still been added and your friends and family can still purchase it.

To check the item has added correctly, select the item in you list and then select 'View Product'

How do I copy a product link from my web browser?

Copying a website link

Apple iPhone

1. Open the web browser on your phone (e.g. Chrome, Safari etc.)
2. Find the item you would like to add to your gift list
3. Tap the address bar that contains the web link
4. Tap 'Copy' from the pop-up menu


1. Open the web browser on your phone (e.g. Chrome, Firefox etc.)
2. Find the item you would like to add to your gift list
3. Press and hold the website link in the address bar of your browser
4. Tap 'Copy' from the pop-up menu

I can't see any upcoming events on my home screen?

The home screen will display events you have in the next 3 months.

If you don't have any upcoming events, add your friends and family so you don't miss their special occasions.

If you don't see their events, go to their profile and ask them to create new lists for their upcoming events. You can request this as many times as you'd like.

What if I'm not ready to share my list yet?

At the top of your gift list in the drop-down menu you can set your list to 'Private' or 'Friends'

In the Private setting only you can view the list.

In the Friends setting, your friends can view the list.

Not all the product information of the gift is displaying when I am adding it?

When you add a gift to your list, the app automatically imports the product information of the item. Sometimes it can't add all the information and you may need to manually add the Title, Cost and Item Specifics such as size or colour.

Can my friends see who purchased the gift?

No, when a gift is purchased the friend will receive a notification that someone has purchased them a gift for their event but they will not know who purchased the gift or which gift was purchased.  

Can my friend see what has been purchased from their list?

No, all of a persons friends that they have added can see what is available and what has been purchased but the person who created the list can not see the status of gifts.

What if all the gifts on their list have been purchased or there is nothing I would like to buy?

You can simply ask them to add more items by;

1. Selecting the 'Friends' tab at the bottom of the app.
2. Select the friend you would like to ask to add more gifts to a list.
3. Select the list you would like them to add more gifts to.
4. Select 'Request more items' at the bottom of the list.

They will then receive a notification asking them to add more gifts to the  list.

The notification will be anonymous and not identify who requested more items.

How do I add my family and friends?

1. Select the 'Friends' tab at the bottom of the app.
2. Select 'Invite a Friend'
3. Find the friend you would like to add and select 'Invite'
4. A text message will populate inviting your friend, select 'Send'

How do I change the title or date of a gift list?

1. Select the 'My List' tab at the bottom of the app.
2. Select the list you would like to edit.
3. Select the 'Pen' icon in the top right-hand corner of the list.
4. Select ' Edit'.
5. You can now change the title or date of the event.
6. Select 'Edit List' to save the changes.

How do I delete a gift list?

1. Select the 'My List' tab at the bottom of the app.
2. Select the list you would like to edit.
3. Select the 'Pen' icon in the top right-hand corner of the list.
4. Select ' Edit'.
5. Select 'Delete List'.
6. Confirm 'Delete'.

How do I delete an item in my gift list?

1. Select the 'My List' tab at the bottom of the app.
2. Select the list you would like to delete an item from.
3. Find the item you would like to delete and select the 'Bin' icon next to the item.
4. Confirm 'Delete'.

How do I ask a friend to create a new list?

1. Select the 'Friends' tab at the bottom of the app.
2. Select the friend you would like to ask to add a new list.
3. Select 'Suggest new list' at the bottom of the screen.
4. Enter the title of the list you would like them to create.
5. Select 'Add'.

The will then receive a notification asking them to create a new list.

The notification will be anonymous and not identify who requested the new list.

How do I ask a friend to add more gifts to their list?

1. Select the 'Friends' tab at the bottom of the app.
2. Select the friend you would like to ask to add more gifts to a list.
3. Select the list you would like them to add more gifts to.
4. Select 'Request more items' at the bottom of the list.

The will then receive a notification asking them to add more gifts to the  list.

The notification will be anonymous and not identify who requested more items.

How do I make sure someone else doesn't buy the same gift as me?

1. Purchase the gift you would like to give.
2. In the recipients gift list, select the item you purchased.
3. In the drop-down menu, select 'Mark as Gifted' to change the gifts status.

This will change the status of the item to 'Gifted' so other friends and family know the item has been selected and they don't also choose the same gift.

I don't know what gifts to add to my list

We recommend searching the popular brands we have in the app for gift ideas.

On the home screen of the app, in the 'Get new gift ideas' section, select 'See all'

This will show all the stores by category to help find what you are looking for.

You can also check out the Gift Ideas section on the website that displays a curated list of gifts organised by demographic.
Click here for Gift Ideas

In the Friends tab I can see two sections 'My Friends' and 'Add Friends on Cadu', what is the difference?

The 'My Friends' list is friends you have added on Cadu and can see their gift lists.

The 'Add Friends on Cadu' list is people in your contact list that have Cadu but you have not added as a friend yet.

Can I edit an item I have added?

If you need to edit a gift you have already added to your list, select the item and select 'Remove Product' and then add it again to your list with the updated details.

What if they don't have a gift list for the event?

You can simply ask them to create one by;

1. Selecting the 'Friends' tab at the bottom of the app.
2. Select the friend you would like to ask to add a new list.
3. Select 'Suggest new list' at the bottom of the screen.
4. Enter the title of the list you would like them to create; eg. Birthday.
5. Select 'Add'.

They will then receive a notification asking them to create a new list for that event, eg. Birthday.

The notification will be anonymous and not identify who requested the new list.